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June 2018 AJP Editor Spotlight

American Journal of Psychiatry Deputy Editor Daniel S. Pine, M.D., discusses “Longitudinal Association of Amyloid Beta and Anxious-Depressive Symptoms in Cognitively Normal Older Adults” by Nancy J. Donovan, M.D., and colleagues.

MCI 2018 Panelist Discussion

Panelists at the 2018 MCI Symposium in Miami, FL, including Drs. Constantine Lyketsos, Yonas Geda, Zahinoor Ismail, and Nancy Donovan discuss Mild Behavioral impairment.

MCI 2018 Nancy Donovan

Nancy J. Donovan, M.D. presents her research at the 2018 MCI Symposium in Miami, Florida on the Association of Amyloid-β with Depressive-Spectrum Symptoms in Cognitively Normal Older Adults.

Why Dementia Rates Have Fallen

On National Public Radio, Diane Rehm interviews Drs. Nancy Donovan, John Hagga (NIH) and Kenneth Langa (University of Michigan), to discuss reasons for why dementia rates amongst older Americans have fallen (2016). [PODCAST]

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